Fellowship of the Z is not your average run of the mill zzt company. Well, actually, it kinda is ;-) We are a group of zzters of varrying experience trying to bring the commune quality games at more than a the snails pace they seem to be coming at lately. We are looking for zzters with any experience zzting, as long as they have talent. With joining, there are a few rules that we ask you abide by.

  • Do not go about starting flame wars right and left (or encourage them)
  • Keep good contact with members of the Fellowship
  • Do not make games for the sole purpose of making fun of someone else, such as the Pokey series

    We also encourage members to beta-test other members games and to join as many commune wide contest (such as 24hozzts) as possible.

    With all of this in mind, the question still remains, how do I join? Well, the process is pretty basic...

  • Contact any current member about joining the company. Then you should e-mail them with at least one thing that is representative of your skills in zzt, and also your reasons for joining (be honest please!). You will then become a "canidate" (for lack of a better word) for joining the company.
  • The contacted member will notify all of the other members of the "canidate", forwarding the message that was sent to them. We shall all look at what they have to offer.
  • All members will e-mail the leader (wayward) giving a vote of yay or nay on the subject of the canidate's entry into FotZ, stating both their vote and their reason for voting that way.
  • The vote shall be counted by the leader, and majority shall rule. If there is a tie in the voting, the leader's vote shall break the tie. The canidate will be notified of the results.

    Hopefully this process will take no more than a week, but things don't always work that way (for instance, vacations or angry parents). If you wish to join, go ahead and tell me. Ideally we would like to have 9 members. Currently we have 7...and they are,

    Where's Waldo

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